Thursday, March 13, 2025

Philippinefailblog......UNDER ATTACK!!!!

February 26th, 2016.  A day that will live in infamy.  Philippinefailblog came under attack!
PFB Briefly Shut Down via Cyber Attack By Disgruntled Member
By Phillipine Fail Blog RSS Feed
02/26/16 20:43
For the first time in PFB history, a butt-hurt, weak-minded member who could not handle being disagreed with succeeded in temporarily shutting down Philippine Fail Blog. The member (now terminated) is known on the site as "sorry sir we dont have" which we will now refer to as "Tantrum Boy" for the rest of this article.
What he did is highly illegal. It was an amateur attack mind you, and quite easily to eventually fend off. The professionals who manage my server acted quickly and once the attack was contained, they set the site up with measures to fully block any further attacks. 
Once we got the site back online, he was obsessively waiting for me. He messaged me on live chat and asked if I was ready for another attack.

The archive snapshot of PFB for March 5, 2016 has no record of this cyber attack.  There is one post dated February 26.  The entry detailing the cyber attack is gone.  This means that Captain PFB himself deleted it. Otherwise it would be there.

Now why would he delete this post?  It would be folly to speculate. But let's discuss some side issues.

Now I cannot speak a word about who the attacker was or if he was a Filipino but the defence CaptainPFB made against the charge of PFB being a hate blog and the implementation of a separate social network outside of PFB indicates that there was always a contingent harbouring animosity towards PFB and seeking to do the website harm.

But if Filipinos are such morons, idiots, and ne'er-do-wells can it be expected that one of them would even know how to run the most basic DDOS attack on a website? It goes against the narrative.

There are also links to VPN's to protect the identities of all who come to the blog. But why go through all that trouble to hide your ISPN just because you visit PFB?  Are dumb, stupid, lazy Filipinos so brilliant that they would know how to cull an ISPN and use it to find your address and then do you real physical harm?  Do they even know what an ISPN is?

Anyone who thinks a VPN is not logging them and tracking them is dumb. VPN's offer only a semblance of anonymity.